Thursday 1 October 2015

Audience power Part 3- How to manage Audience Expectations

As we have seen from the previous blogs weather it is creating saleable merchandise or sticking to historical accuracy what really matters is managing audience expectations. Because as the customer is always right, so is the audience, as they are the one who is buying the film. If an audience goes to see the Lego movie they expect to see yellow men, they expect to see the Lego they know and love on screen not a designer’s interoperation of Lego:

If someone watches a period drama they expect to see the costumes they associate with that period.

For a designer you have to manage these expectations while still honouring the script. Here is my guide to doing just that.

  1. Read the script

  1. Research
This comes in Four parts:

2-Research what has gone before
Learn from successes and failures in the same genre

3- Research Visual cues

All of this helps to instantly tell the audience what sort of story and world they are entering

4- Research your audience


  1. Talk to the director

  1. Throw out everything (not literally)
C:\Users\Jenny\Pictures\pattern scans\IMG_20140505_0003.jpg
By doing this your research will seep in but you won’t get bogged down by it, you can focus on creating the characters, the Director vision, and putting your own spin on it.

  1. Return to your research

  1. Double check against your research
Make sure you have not committed any cardinal sins
like making Superman’s suit  green
or giving Henry VIII Go-go Boots

  1. Don’t be precious

So to Recap:
Know Your Script
Know Your Audience
Know your Director's Vision
Know your own style
Researching is almost more important than the design stage without a solid foundation in researching you are bound to make mistakes. It is worth spending the time research so you don’t come into trouble later on.

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